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Listing Id: 25121 Last Refreshed: 08/04/2022 Total Views: 390

(Expired)Chemical Wash House / House Chemical Wash / Chemical Wash For House / Acid Wash / Business

BishanConstruction Contractor
Asking Price: Price On Request
Business For Takeover
Look For Investor
Look For Partner


  • Premise Type Factory
  • Premise Size
  • Monthly Rental N/A
  • Rental Desposit N/A
  • Revenue N/A
  • Liability N/A
  • Gross Profit N/A
  • Net Profit N/A
  • Stock N/A
  • FFE N/A
  • Payable N/A
  • Receivable N/A
  • Owner Role Full Time
  • Staff N/A
  • Established N/A
  • Source Broker

Reason For Sale



Still available come and enquiry via whatsapp 8686-6913 Owner

chemical wash house / house chemical wash / chemical wash for house / acid wash / chemical cleaning toilet

Owner still doing business , so those who are looking chemical wash house / house chemical wash / chemical wash for house / acid wash / chemical cleaning toilet can whatsapp 8686-6913 Owner ( Whatsapp only pls kindly wait for reply as owner is old , no calls )
WE HANDLE ALL JOBS WELL AND CLEAN Over 20 years of experienced , over thousands of happy customers !!! We do acid wash house is very important the house is clean After reno cleaning services , to clear all dust What is chemical wash for house? We use special acid that you cannot buy from the market except us What is chemical cleaning? This way of cleaning will make it like new Is chemical wash after renovation necessary? Yes of course , unless u want to have dust in your lungs etc What is acid wash for house? A special kind of acid only we can use What chemical would you use to clean a toilet? Acid of course Which is best for toilet cleaning? Acid , becareful this acid can disfigure the hands After renovation cleaning service , you will be happy that we did that for you Post reno cleaning singapore is important also We do post renovation cleaning service very clean like new We are one of the few post renovation cleaning services singapore Welcome so that we post renovation cleaning singapore We will show you we are the professional cleaners after renovation 100% professional cleaning after renovation that make you happy We show u post renovation and the photos are real REAL 100% post renovation cleaning We make post renovation cleaning services singapore review and thousands of good reviews We will show you how to clean floor tiles after renovation We can also wall washing singapore during the 6 days cleaning is imporant Acid wash is not only about washing and our workers will scrub very clean like new Acid wash tile floor the title all that you can see your face in the tiles Good and clean floor chemical wash singapore Also move out cleaning Can do move out cleaning singapore Very new pre move in cleaning singapore

Owner still doing business , so those who are looking chemical wash house / house chemical wash / chemical wash for house / acid wash / chemical cleaning toilet can whatsapp 8686-6913 Owner ( Whatsapp only pls kindly wait for reply as owner is old , no calls )
Seller is only asking for partnership if you want to partner this business , only those who have experience in chemical wash acid toliet need apply only ( NOTE: I AM LOSING $280,000 A YEAR , A NEW PARTNER HAS TO BEAR $140,000 OF LOSSES )
Whatsapp 8686-6913 Owner ( Whatsapp only pls kindly wait for reply as owner is old , no calls )


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