Found: 26,Jan,2018
Register Capital: $100,000
2020 Revenue: $158,964.
Business Type: E-commerce, IT Projects, IT Consultation
2020 Projects: Jyx Global Ecommerce Platform, Jyx Global IT Projects Consultation.Linked with Old Chengdu Restaurant, Nam Dae Mun online Orders.
Products: Platform (including website, mobile apps until 23, July 2022)
产品:平台,包括网站, sgcnfood 手机版本,网址到2022年7月23号到期
Sgcnfood is selling restaurant foods, link with some restaurants. Also can put in any food relative products to sell. The best sell product is Sri Lanka Crabs.
Provide a business plan. Setting up various YouTube channels for monetization. (we currently running 1 channel in which 1 channel had been monetized) Visit Here: E-commerce collaboration with suppliers. currently, we selling various restaurant food and dessert like Old Chengdu Food, Nam Dae Mun Dessert products. Low cost on marketing as we will be doing up SEO, backlink and cross promotions on various channels. The channel and website will belong to you (we will handle it with equities). Low risk, low burn rates (all accounted for on expenses). Earn a passive income for yourself. ROI return fast. Look no further, contact us. The funding is unlike any startup with high risk.
Sgcnfood 平台是销售餐厅餐饮,还有提供一些海鲜产品,如斯里兰卡螃蟹。平台可以添加任何有关餐饮或是厨房的产品销售
Official Website: (Domain and website until Feb, 2023)
Facebook Followers: 669
Online Order Customers: 186
Linked with F&B Local SG facebook groups. Link with Marketing Strategy Plans.
平台链接facebook, 谷歌等销售渠道,还可以在以上各大平台做市场营销