Thanks for expressing an initial interest in our concept!
We are a group of university students who are currently running a successful F&B outlet in the neighbourhood. We are looking at developing a new takeaway concept that offers coconut-based dessert beverages.
Your first question might be:There are so many of these coconut drinks sprouting these days. Got chance meh?
The answer is YES! Simply because there's an increasing demand, and the demand is here to last as long as you "unique-fy" your menu offering. This means that we first need to understand what the market is like, and even if it is a trend-based market, we gotta know what are the push-and-pull factors behind such trends.
Here are some FAQs:
[1] What are you guys trying to do? Spill the beans.Okay, in short, we are trying to do atakeaway kioskat a neighbourhood area that serves coconut-based dessert beverages. Yes, in some ways, we are similar to the big coconut brands out there. But we do have our own USPs.
[2] How much money do you need? What is my role?
We are trying to raise a initial capital outlay of $40,000.00 and your role is a sleeping investor. The money goes into the start-up fees, equipment purchase, rental deposit, cashflow for the first few months to cover operational costs and COGS, as well as marketing.
[3]What do I gain?You gain a 30% share in the company and you are expected to ROI 40% within 12 months.
[4] Covid situation may worsen. What are your plans?Of course, we shouldn't be starting anything right now. This plan is aimed to kickstart once the current restrictions are freed. But it's never too late to plan ahead and early.
[5]Selection critieriaWe don't simply work with whoever that has got the money. We hope to know the potential investor first. So to move things forward, should you express interest, we will arrange a Zoom session upon which we'll start off with an introductory session to understand your standpoint.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!