Internet Marketing Business Generating US$2,000 - US$6,000 Profits Monthly Looking To Expand
This business is operated 100% online with consistent average monthly profits of US$2K - $4K. The business currently offers digital products and services meaning there is no need to pay for any physical shop rental or upfront capital for inventory. While online advertising costs for Youtube, Facebook and Google are on the rise, we utilize A.I. to tap on a huge source of high quality leads, bringing down the cost of traffic by over 90%. This allows us to startup with significantly lower cost and potentially ROI on our investment at a much faster rate.
Our first digital business has been stabilized and has been growing consistently month over month. There are still many "Blue Ocean" areas that we can expand into as we can access a very large source of prospective sales leads, hence we are looking for investors to partner with us into this new area. Investors do not need to possess any digital skills as the entire process will be executed by us so this is a 100% passive income business. Interest parties may send a message to arrange a virtual meeting online. Please note that we do not meet up physically we operate fully online.