Singapore  Singapore

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Listing Id: 33057 Last Refreshed: 07/10/2024 Total Views: 225

Conglomerate Looking To Acquire Majority Stake In Dental Outlets (SHORT TAKEOVER TIMELINE)

Budget: S$1M - 5M


  • Location Singapore
  • Industry Dental Practices
  • Premise Type N/A
  • Premise Size N/A

Business Details

Has strong foothold in various horizontals and verticals in the dental industry. Partnership with conglomerate will allow the dental clinic:
1. Immediate Cash Out (from Sale of Equity)
2. ⁠Increased Profitability through leveraging the various businesses owned and partnered with by the conglomerate (Economies of Scale)

Serious buyer with Clear Metrics for Company Valuation.

We also represent another buyer looking for a FULL takeover of dental clinics.

Whatsapp Kiran +65 8749 9939
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